Psalm 16 – you will not abandon my soul

Lately, the situation in Cuba reminds me of children caught in a contentious divorce; strong words and actions fly back and forth, but their sense of uncertainty only grows deeper. As policies between countries change, it grows more difficult for our Cuban friends to hold on to hope and impossible for them not to feel abandoned.

God Doesn’t Abandon Us

Abba never forgets his children. God doesn’t abandon us, even though life can make us feel otherwise. He often sends a friend when we need one most.

Barron & I will be in Cuba, July 10-17

In just a few days my older son Barron and I will travel to be with our friends again in Cuba. We’ve been invited back for a summer retreat with pastors’ kids. Barron will be a sophomore this fall at UNC Chapel Hill. He loves Cuba and can’t wait to practice his Spanish with old friends.

When I first traveled with my folks to Cuba, I was drawn to the pastors’ kids. They are “bridge people” or a third culture, walking the difficult path between the church and an antagonistic system. I immediately identified with the struggle of this group: when your parents are caring for the needs of the church, they don’t have much time left for you. You feel abandoned, and that affects your understanding of God’s love.

With Dad at a youth retreat in Cuba, 2007

In my early years of traveling to Cuba, my dad and I often met with pastors’ kids there, many of whom now serve as pastors themselves. It’s been perhaps twenty years since we experienced that healing together. Inspired by their longing for deep connection with God, a new generation of youth has organized this year’s retreat. God has healing in store for them, too.

Psalm 138:8 “The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me…”

You aren’t forgotten, you’re not alone and God will complete the work he began in you! This is the message Barron and I will take to Cuba. Thank you for going with us through your prayers, encouragement and financial support of GRM. Thank you for making this possible!

¡Dios te bendiga – God bless you!

John Northrup